Customer Success Story:
Amanda Bennicasa
Amanda Bennicasa

Customer Success Story:

Explore Runa's decision to move away from Selenium and REST Assured to Playwright and how Currents was a key component in enhancing team collaboration, reducing test flakiness, and speeding up tests and release times.

Playwright Reporter for Currents v1.0.0 ✨
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

Playwright Reporter for Currents v1.0.0 ✨

We are thrilled to announce the next major release of the most advanced Playwright Reporter. It brings significant improvements: full parallel mode support, step-level reporting stored directly in the cloud, and CI runs orchestration that is up to 40% faster compared to native Playwright sharding.

Case Study: Firstbase
Amanda Bennicasa
Amanda Bennicasa

Case Study: Firstbase

Currents played a pivotal role in Business Firstbase's smooth migration from Cypress to Playwright.

Case Study: Business Insider
Amanda Bennicasa
Amanda Bennicasa

Case Study: Business Insider

How Currents facilitated Business Insider's migration to Playwright, while improving developers experience, test suite health, performance and empowering Business Insider team to deliver top-notch results. Blocking of Sorry Cypress and Currents
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis Blocking of Sorry Cypress and Currents

On September 27, 2023, activated a blocking that affected Sorry Cypress users and Currents customers. This blog post breaks down the technical implementation of the blocking, analyses the reasons and clarifies Currents position.

Case Study: Planable
Amanda Bennicasa
Amanda Bennicasa

Case Study: Planable

Customer Success Story: How Planable Transformed Test Automation Efficiency with Currents

Cypress test replays with Cypress Debugger
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

Cypress test replays with Cypress Debugger

Capture and replay everything that is happening in Cypress during CI runs with a free, open-source plugin. Debug your failed and flaky CI cypress tests by replaying execution traces.

Case Study: Crunchbase
Amanda Bennicasa
Amanda Bennicasa

Case Study: Crunchbase

Customer success story: how Currents helped Crunchbase to scale their Cypress UI test suite while maintaining cost-effectiveness

GitHub Actions Matrix Job URL for Parallel Cypress Tests
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

GitHub Actions Matrix Job URL for Parallel Cypress Tests

A tutorial on how to get a GitHub Actions Matrix Job URL in Cypress tests. This is useful for getting a reference to the specific matrix build job from cypress terminal output.

Currents has joined TinySeed
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

Currents has joined TinySeed

Currents is a TinySeed company! We are joining a year-long accelerator program and a strong community of ambitious founders of bootstrapped SaaS companies

Cypress Dashboard vs Currents - Ultimate Comparison Guide
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

Cypress Dashboard vs Currents - Ultimate Comparison Guide

A detailed comparison guide between Cypress Dashboard and the most popular alternatives - Currents and Sorry Cypress. Pricing, analytics, orchestration, load balancing, compatibility, parallelization, integrations and unit economics are compared between the solutions.

Parallelizing Cypress with Jenkins, AWS, and Sorry Cypress
Seth Lutske
Seth Lutske

Parallelizing Cypress with Jenkins, AWS, and Sorry Cypress

If you're using Jenkins, and you have access to cloud compute resources, you can run cypress in parallel across multiple virtual machines. This will significantly cut down your cypress run time. This article is a recipe for how to do that.

Cypress parallelization tools comparison
Laerte Neto
Laerte Neto

Cypress parallelization tools comparison

Overview of the best strategies for cypress tests parallelization and test execution tracking. I investigated Cypress Dashboard, Sorry Cypress, Currents, Cypress-Parallel, and a manual parallelization approach.

Currents is out of Beta
Andrew Goldis
Andrew Goldis

Currents is out of Beta

After 6 months of continuous improvements and 20+ millions of cypress tests recorded, we are excited to announce that is out of beta!