Currents + Playwright = ❤️
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Crunchbase Scales Cypress UI Tests with Currents

case study

Crunchbase Scales Cypress UI Tests with Currents

Customer success story: how Currents helped Crunchbase to scale their Cypress UI test suite while maintaining cost-effectiveness

Firstbase: Navigating Cypress to Playwright with Currents

case study

Firstbase: Navigating Cypress to Playwright with Currents

Currents played a pivotal role in Business Firstbase's smooth migration from Cypress to Playwright.

Insider's Playwright Migration: Empowering Teams with Currents

case study

Insider's Playwright Migration: Empowering Teams with Currents

How Currents facilitated Business Insider's migration to Playwright, while improving developers experience, test suite health, performance and empowering Business Insider team to deliver top-notch results.

Planable's Test Automation Transformation with Currents

case study

Planable's Test Automation Transformation with Currents

Customer Success Story: How Planable Transformed Test Automation Efficiency with Currents

Ramp's Playwright Migration: Eliminating flaky tests with Currents

case study

Ramp's Playwright Migration: Eliminating flaky tests with Currents

How Currents and Playwright enabled Ramp Network to achieve world-class CI setup, enhancing test performance and reducing test flakiness.

Runa's Playwright Adoption: Enhancing Troubleshooting Efficiency with Currents

case study

Runa's Playwright Adoption: Enhancing Troubleshooting Efficiency with Currents

Explore Runa's decision to move away from Selenium and REST Assured to Playwright and how Currents was a key component in enhancing team collaboration, reducing test flakiness, and speeding up tests and release times.

quotes background

Thanks to Currents, we are able to run millions of tests every month in parallel as part of our CI/CD. Using the Dashboard and Insights features allows our automation team to detect, debug and fix flaky tests with ease.

company logoFull Stack Developer
Andrei Richkov Avatar

Andrei Richkov

Full Stack Developer

Monika Januszek Avatar

Monika Januszek

QA Lead

Jon Moses Avatar

Jon Moses

Sr. QA Lead Engineer

Gonçalo Queirós Avatar

Gonçalo Queirós

Head of Engineering

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Unleash the potential of Currents to boost your test performance and overcome flakiness.